Michael Monroe
This August I moved back to the Twin Cities after purchasing my family home after living and recording in my solar powered North Shore Log Cabin for the past 28 years.

My professional bio...
From vinyl to digital performing acoustic folk/reggae on vocals, hand-crafted guitars made on the Gunflint Trail, bamboo/crystal flutes.

Recycling his award winning music "live" using technology powered by creativity...he is a band in his own mind! Monroe’s award winning instrumental soundtracks have been featured on PBS/CBC, Toronto Enviro/New York Indie Film Fests as well as an Emmy for “Soaring On Mended Wings". Michael has recorded 11 original CDs and 5 additional recordings featuring folk legends of our time. Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, Simon & Garfunkel, James Taylor etc.

He and manager/spouse Deb Mueller host Log Cabin Concerts monthly in his cabin on the shore for the past 15 years.. which were featured on KSTP’s Jason Davis’ On The Road and in Cabin Life Magazine.
Visit me at:
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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